NANOTEXNOLOGY explores the opportunities in the emerging fields of Nanotechnologies, Organic & Printed Electronics and Nanomedicine. NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 succeeded to bring together over 2,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, business, technical and policy professionals to promote research and industrial collaborations, identify priorities and strengthen the innovation ecosystem.
HOPE-A is an active supporter of the industrial community with the main scope to promote the actions, the innovations, the state-of-the-art products and applications of related industrial entities in the field of Nanotechnologies, Organic & Printed Electronics and Nanomedicine. From small start-ups to SMEs and large companies were all invited to participate in the NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO, to demonstrate their products and services. Furthermore, to establish communication, interaction and possible collaboration with other stakeholders during the Matchmaking event.
This year the multi-event started on 29th of June 2019 and concluded on the 6th of July 2019. During this special week, many innovative scientific, technological, business and networking parallel events and activities took place.
The 9th International Exhibition on Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine gathered more than 40 exhibitors, where applications, products, and research from more than 60 countries represented.
The NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO united innovators to bring Nanotechnology, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine from lab to market! The fully integrated exhibition enabled the participants to demonstrate and discover state-of-the-art prototypes, technologies and research results from innovative companies, leading research institutes, high-tech clusters, SMEs, EU-projects.
Furthermore, the promotion of the products and research results was complemented with the participation in the Matchmaking Event and the Business Forum, taking place at the exhibition area. Within the B2B meetings were comprised of more than 150 bilateral meetings and the Business Forum with presentations from companies' representatives.
The Nanomedicine team of researchers of Nanotechnology Lab of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki - LTFN offered a Special moment at their booth in EXPO where a demonstration of 3D Bioprinting of human organs took place.
ISFOE19, the 12th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics started on Monday the 1st of July consisting of more than 150 presentations from 32 different countries and covered a plethora of interesting topics such as Novel organic/inorganic and hybrid materials, Graphene, Perovskites, and many others. During the same day, the 2nd International Conference I3D19 on 3D Printing, 3D Bioprinting, Digital, and Additive Manufacturing took place including 120 presentations, following the great success and participation of the previous year.
On Tuesday the 2nd of July was the first day of NN19, the 16th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies, including 350 presentations from 50 different countries.
During the fourth day of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019, inspiring Plenary talks were delivered by three world-class experts, Prof. Mario Leclerc from Laval University, Canada, Prof. Sokrates Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA, and Prof. Nicholas Peppas from The University of Texas at Austin, USA. The Plenary Session attendants were informed about cutting-edge updates on Green Chemistry for Green Energy, Novel nanomaterials & Intelligent, Recognitive, Nanoscale Systems for Advanced Therapeutic Agent Targeting and Delivery. Also, a greeting was given from the newly elected rector of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Prof. Nikolaos Papaioannou congratulating on the organization and the polythematic index of this multi-event, while expressed his support to these actions.
On Thursday 4th of July 2019, during the ΝANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 signed the agreement between Nanotechnology Lab LTFN of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM) of Istanbul, Turkey for R&D collaboration R&D on Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Smart / Advanced Nanomaterials, and Micro-Nano Systems.
The same day the annual NanoNet General Assembly was realized where partners but also new members of this special network gathered and discussed the activities and development of communication and collaboration between research and business organizations activated in the fields of Nano-Bio-Technologies.
This year 7 new parallel Special Workshops enriched NANOTEXNOLOGY’s program with more than 130 presentations. On Wednesday the 3rd of July, the Special Workshop Women in Nano Science & Technology took place, with the target to highlight and advance the role and recognition of women working in cutting edge fields of Nano Science and Technology.
The EU - USA Workshop "Sustainable NanoFabrication & NanoManufacturing " and New Business Development & Commercialization Workshop held on Friday the 5th of July. Through these special workshops the USA and EU academics, researchers, policymakers, industrial stakeholders, and entrepreneurs presented and discussed their ideas and current activities in Nano-Fabrication and Factory of the Future, in order to create a sustainable framework of synergies for common success and growth between EU and USA.
In the frame of this workshop, HOPE-A presented the activities of the field in Nanofabrication through the two European Projects CORNET & Smartline.
This year ISSON19 Summer Schools gave the opportunity to young researchers and early-career scientists and engineers to participate in a series of lectures that were divided in three complementary schools and cover the significant areas in the N&N field:
Furthermore, state-of-the-art techniques, as well as a demonstration-tour in the laboratory facilities for developing and characterizing nanoscale materials was also be included. Top class Experts from Universities, Research Institutions and Industry worldwide shared their knowledge and experience in the format of lecture presentations gathering more than 110 students from 25 different countries!
Thank you for your contribution to this exciting multi-event and for visiting our Booth! Finally, we want to express our gratitude to all of our sponsors and especially the Group of HELPE that was kindly accepted to support this event as a bronze sponsor!
We wish your participation in NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 brought you fruitful discussions, networking, and stimuli! We are updating our meeting for next year NANOTEXNOLOGY 2020 so SAVE THE DATE 4-11 July 2020!
Τη Δευτέρα 01 Ιουλίου 2019, στο ξενοδοχείο «Porto Palace» και στο πλαίσιο του πολυγεγονότος NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 στη Θεσσαλονίκη, πραγματοποιήθηκε η Εκλογοαπολογιστική Γενική Συνέλευση του «Σωματείου Οργανικών και Εκτυπωμένων Ηλεκτρονικών HOPE-A». Πέραν από τα μέλη του Σωματείου, μεγάλο πλήθος επισκεπτών ενημερώθηκε για τις δράσεις του Σωματείου καθώς είχαν την ευκαιρία να επισκεφθούν το περίπτερο του HOPE-A που είχε τοποθετηθεί στο χώρο της έκθεσης NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 EXPO .
Ο Πρόεδρος του HOPE-A Καθ. Στ. Λογοθετίδη ενημέρωσε για τις δράσεις του Σωματείου για το διάστημα 2017-2018 και ανακοίνωσε την υπογραφή μνημονίου συνεργασίας με το Σύνδεσμο Εταιριών Φωτοβολταϊκών Ελλάδος HELAPCO μετά από συνάντηση με τον Πρόεδρο του συνδέσμου, κ.Καπέλλο.
Πρόκειται για το έβδομο μνημόνιο συνεργασίας μετά από τους συνδέσμους AFELIM (Γαλλία), oes (Γερμανία), COPT.NRW (Γερμανία), JAPEC (Ιαπωνία) , IAPE (Κίνα) and KoPEA (Κορέα). Ακόμη, ανακοίνωσε την εγγραφή του Ομίλου ΕΛΠΕ ως μέλος στο HOPE-A , γεγονός που θα ισχυροποιήσει ακόμη περισσότερο τη δράση του Σωματείου.
Παρουσιάστηκε ο οικονομικός απολογισμός από το μέλος της Εξελεγκτικής Επιτροπής κ.Α. Λασκαράκη και ακολούθησε η διαδικασία εκλογής νέου διοικητικού συμβουλίου. Κατά την παρουσίαση του Οικονομικού Απολογισμού διεφάνει με σαφή τρόπο η άριστη διαχείριση των οικονομικών του Σωματείου.
Μετά την ολοκλήρωση της εκλογικής διαδικασίας συγκροτήθηκε σε σώμα το νέο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο ως εξής:
Το «Σωματείο Οργανικών και Εκτυπωμένων Ηλεκτρονικών HOPE-A» συμπληρώνοντας πλέον οκτώ συναπτά έτη, εκφράζει μέσω του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του την αισιοδοξία πως με την συλλογικότητα, τον ανοικτό διάλογο, τις συνεργασίες με συγγενείς φορείς, αλλά και την αξιοποίηση κάθε χρηματοδοτικής δυνατότητας, θα δημιουργηθούν πρόσθετες προοπτικές εξέλιξης.
The annual Nano|Net General Assembly was realized on 4th of July 4 2019 at Porto Palace Conference Centre & Hotel in Thessaloniki, during the multi- event NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019. Partners but also new members of this special network gathered and discussed the activities and development of communication and collaboration between research and business organizations activated in the fields of Nano-Bio-Technologies.
According to the announced agenda, a short presentation of achievements within Nano|Net (Founded Projects, Master & PhD students’ mobility, Co-organization of International Conferences, Coordination of Innovation Actions in the frame of N&N) was given from Prof.S.Logothetidis as well the announcement of the recent amount of NanoNet members that reaches 600 entities. Furthermore, general discussion on the promotion of new collaborations with other R&I Organizations, the participation in International Networks and R&I Projects, funding & Cooperation opportunities in R&I Projects, commercialization & Industrialization opportunities and growth of Nano|Net society with new members took place.
Exceptional academic worldwide members presented their ideas in order to establish a specific communication policy but also an activity policy that will provide meaningful existence to the network. Participation in conferences, exhibitions, organization of events, training activities, exchanging students and webinars were some of the members’ suggestions. With the scope to create a stable structure for the best organization and planning of these activities, members concluded on the structures of International Advisory & Executive Board, both Geographically & Thematically.
Here are some highlights of the NanoNet General Assembly:
The CORNET Month 18 Consortium meeting was successfully held in Porto Palace Hotel at Thessaloniki, Greece on 28-29 June 2019.
The Nanotechnology Lab LTFN of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (HOPE-A member) and Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM), Istanbul, Turkey signed an agreement for R&D collaboration on:
on Thursday 4th of July 2019, at 13:30, in Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki during the ΝANOTEXNOLOGY 2019. Here are some photos and highlights of the event.
HELAPCO (Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Companies) is now an official partner of HOPE-A. The two Associations signed a Collaboration Agreement on Tuesday 25th of June. This activity will build a strong connection between the two associations and their members, with the scope to actively cooperate in common projects, push forward the Greek industry and economy . HELAPCO is a non profit organization, established in 2002, representing the major PV companies active in the production, trading, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems in Greece. Represents the domestic market in international meetings and fora, and is a member of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA).
This is the seventh Collaboration Agreement HOPE-A signs, following the MoUs with AFELIM (France), oes (Germany), COPT.NRW (Germany), JAPEC (Japan) , IAPE (China) and KoPEA (Korea).
The NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2019 is part of the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 multi-event which is a unique venue for companies to promote their technologies and products to experts and decision-makers from the industrial, research and academic communities.
Hope-A will participate and co-organize for another year the NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2019!
Come and visit our booth C7 in order to discuss, exchange ideas and create strong bonds for further beneficial results of a new collaboration!
Πρόσκληση σε Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση των μελών του Σωματείου, βάση του άρθρου 23.3 του καταστατικού, στις 24/06/2019 στο Porto Palace Hotel (28ης Οκτωβρίου 65, Θεσσαλονίκη 546 28) ώρα 15.30.
Σε περίπτωση μη απαρτίας κατά την πρώτη σύγκλιση, εάν δηλαδή δεν παρίσταται σε αυτήν το ένα δεύτερο (1/2) τουλάχιστον του όλου αριθμού των οικονομικά τακτοποιημένων τακτικών μελών του Σωματείου (άρθρο 24.1), συνέρχεται χωρίς άλλη διατύπωση η Γενική Συνέλευση στον ίδιο τόπο, την ίδια μέρα και ώρα της επόμενης εβδομάδας (01/07/2019) κατά την οποία είναι αρκετός οποιοσδήποτε αριθμός παρόντων οικονομικά τακτοποιημένων τακτικών μελών (άρθρο 24.2).
Θέματα της Γενικής Συνέλευσης:
Οικονομική Τακτοποίηση:
Ενημερώνονται όλα τα μέλη πως δικαίωμα συμμετοχής στη Γενική Συνέλευση έχουν τα οικονομικά τακτοποιημένα μέλη, γι’ αυτό παρακαλείστε να τακτοποιήσετε τις οικονομικές σας διαφορές. Για διευκόλυνσή των μελών και με γνώση της δύσκολης περιόδου που διανύουμε, το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο αποφάσισε την τροποποίηση του άρθρου 7 ως εξής:
Α. Για την εγγραφή:
Β. Ετήσια συνδρομή:
Οικονομικά τακτοποιημένα θα θεωρηθούν μέλη που θα πληρώσουν την εγγραφή και τη συνδρομή για το έτος 2018.
Παρακαλούμε να τακτοποιήσετε τις οικονομικές σας υποχρεώσεις προκειμένου να συμμετάσχετε στην Εκλογοαπολογιστική Γενική Συνέλευση στις 24/06/2019. Οι πληρωρωμές γίνονται στον λογαριαμό του HOPE-A στην Τράπεζα Πειραιώς με IBAN: GR90 0172 2730 0052 7308 3186 504 (παρακαλούμε στείλτε το αποδεικτικό πληρωμής).
Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε την πρόσκληση από εδώ.
OE-Technologies and Nanotechnology Lab LTFN participated at InterSolar Europe Exhibition, which took place on 15-17 May, 2019 at Munich, Germany - Booth C1.474. Thank you all for visiting our booth!