Friday, 18 March 2022 12:22

HOPE-A participates in LOPEC trade fair 2022


HOPE-A, Greek Association is taking part in the world’s meeting point for the printed electronic sector: LOPEC trade fair.

The Trade Fair is taking place from 23 to 24 March in Messe, and is consuming as one of the biggest technology European live event on organic electronics area, since the pandemic outbreak.

Printed electronics is the one of the key technologies of the 21st century produces applications for green energy generation, automotive engineering, smart living and mobility, wearables, IoT, medical technology, etc.



HOPE-A coordinates the activities of industrial and research organizations in Greece in the multi-billion rapidly evolving field of Flexible Printed Organic Electronics (OEs) and strengthens their goals. HOPE-A covers the entire value chain of OE Products and Services in Green Energy, Lighting, Electronics, Automotive, Smart Buildings, Greenhouses, Intelligent Packaging, Wearables, IoT e.t.c. Among the scopes of HOPE-A is to coordinate network of companies in OE’s applications, support members to new markets and trade-shows and represent members to international markets.

HOPE-A association represents during LOPEC trade fair, technologies and applications based in organic electronic production, such as organic photovoltaic made from the Company Organic Electronic Technologies, OET.

LOPEC Trade Fair

LOPEC covers a cross-section of the industry. Presents innovative products, highlights new market opportunities for the industry and helps foster the development of new materials, manufacturing technologies and applications.

The focus topics at LOPEC 2022 Smart Living shows how printed electronics enrich our everyday lives in many ways. The spectrum ranges from medicine and health to fitness, home comfort and energy generation.